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Masami Kataribe

If you're interested in knowing more, click the buttons below! The first button is for Masami's backstory. If you want to find that out naturally, you can click to second or third button for RP hooks or for basic facts about her instead. ((I barely have any experience with RPing so please bear with me))

From humble beginnings


Masami was born in the underwater settlement of Sui-no-Sato. She comes from a long line of scribes, poets, and authors but she never had any aptitude for her family trade. After much deliberation and fretting she finally figured out her solution. Instead of creating stories, she will inspire others to do so by her deeds. This combined with an intense curiosity of foreign peoples and culture, and a hefty allowance from her parents, lead her to set out towards a distant land she had only heard about in tales; the land of Eorzea.

Masami's Bio

Age: 26.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Orientation: Lesbian.
Canon Job: Paladin.
Occupation: Lieutenant in the Twin Adders.
Hobbies: Working out, dancing, people watching, and cooking
Relationship Status: Single

RP Hooks

- She spends a lot of time "patrolling" Gridania and the nearby forests.
- She makes semi-frequent trips to the other Eorzean city states for official Adder business.
- She is often seen staring out over bodies of water, whether it be oceans, rivers, or just brooks.
- When not by actual water she can usually be found in the local watering hole instead.

About the Writer

Age: 23.
Pronouns: He/They.
Timezone: Central European (GMT+1/2).
Orientation: Pansexual.
RP Experience: Barely any.
ERP: Ask first but usually yes.
ERP Race Preferences: Basically anything but Lalas.